20 Mar

I wrote this blog a few months ago but I think it is still important not to lose who you are as well as your sanity. Sometimes you just need time for you and there is nothing wrong with that. Enjoy!

For The Woman In Me...To Touch The Woman In You

Sometimes having alone time is beneficial for ones sanity. Let’s call it a mental health break. Some of us are single women waiting for our Prince, some of us are in a dating relationship, others are newlyweds, or married with children. Whichever category you fall into, sometimes you need a break! Take yourself out on a pamper me day such as going to get a pedicure, manicure, spa treatment, or setting up a hair appointment. Going to the movies to see that movie your significant other refuses to see, taking yourself to dinner or to lunch if you’re on a budget, or just going to the mall to shop for an hour. All these things are necessary!

Keep up with yourself and your sexy!

Just because you are married doesn’t mean you should be in sweats all the time. Wear something nice once a week to spice up your routine……

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