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Will You Make Today Great?

4 Apr


Life: it can go in two directions; for better or for worse. Many believe that their life is always going in the opposite direction, for the worse. I see and hear people say “FML” (sorry) or “I hate my life” for the stupidest things yet you only have one. 

Yes, we all have bad days but most importantly it’s up to you to allow that bad situation to ruin your entire day. 

Nowadays, I tell people make it a great day, make it an amazing day, or be blessed on this amazing day. You are in charge of the outcome of your day. 

Yesterday, many employees cried to me in confidence, yesterday my teacher forgot to tell me I needed an appointment to take a midterm therefore I couldn’t take it, yesterday I needed to be in the Lords house but I decided to assist family instead, yesterday it was 65 degrees and I was at work all day and couldn’t enjoy it, yesterday all of these unexpected occurrences gave me a pounding headache along with a few other things. I was upset for ten minutes I won’t lie but I didn’t let it steal my joy! 

Thank God today for opening your eyes and declare that today will be a good day. You control the outcome and stop saying your life sucks because when you look at the small positives they make this life worth it. 

Many blessings to you and go out and make today great!! 

Author and Speaker Nadia Atkinson to Stop by Holy Spiritz Radio

30 Mar

Hello friends, 

As you may know I have written my first book last November entitled, The Past is in the Past so Let it Pass. Tonight I will be stopping by Holy Spiritz Radio in Atlanta, Georgia to discuss the wonderful testimonies of 16 women who gave their lives over to Christ Jesus. 

Please stop by at 6:30 pm to listen. Hope to see you there! 

Get your copy here!! 

Nadia A. 


From Holy Spiritz Radio:

We are so glad to announce that Speaker and Author Ms. Nadia Atkinson is returning to The Holy Spiritz Radio Show, to talk about her most recent published book titled “The Past is in the Past so let it Pass”, as well and her organization called “Be You Nique LLC”.  We’ll be discussing how her latest book has change the lives of women all across the country as well as how it has affected Nadia’s life as well.  We will be catching up on the Be You Nique LLC to see just how far things have developed in birthing this program that God placed in side of Ms. Atkinson even before she knew her mother.  Such a dynamic and powerful woman she is, and we’re so thankful to bring her back to you and to also let you know that Nadia’s show is still the number one show we’ve ever done!

Hope to see you there!


Tune in here:


Listen to the original interview here: 


Embrace The Valleys

14 Mar

Embrace The Valleys

My Evolution

4 Mar

These past few months have been humbling. Extremely humbling. With the launch of my book and branching out my business, I had to sit and evaluate a few things. My website subscription was due and I wanted to add this blog to the website, then I started thinking that it was not such a good idea based upon the content I used to blog about when I first started. Then I heard God say to me, “It is okay, it shows the beauty of where I have taken you from.” So humbling once again, without God I would not be where I am today but my past has allowed me to evolve into who I am today. 

I wanted to share this with anyone who feels that they are not good enough for God. He doesn’t want the “perfect” son or daughter who has dotted all of their I’s and crossed their T’s. He wants the perfectly imperfect you. Be who you are and walk in God’s way, the rest will fall into place and that is when His will will be granted. 

I love you and thank you for always reading.

My book is available through Amazon and Kindle called “The Past is in the Past so let it Pass” by Nadia Atkinson





God is Love.

25 Nov

Trusting someone can be hard.

Loving someone can be more difficult. 

But, knowing that you can trust in God because God is love. 

Now that is priceless. 

20 Mar

I wrote this blog a few months ago but I think it is still important not to lose who you are as well as your sanity. Sometimes you just need time for you and there is nothing wrong with that. Enjoy!

For The Woman In Me...To Touch The Woman In You

Sometimes having alone time is beneficial for ones sanity. Let’s call it a mental health break. Some of us are single women waiting for our Prince, some of us are in a dating relationship, others are newlyweds, or married with children. Whichever category you fall into, sometimes you need a break! Take yourself out on a pamper me day such as going to get a pedicure, manicure, spa treatment, or setting up a hair appointment. Going to the movies to see that movie your significant other refuses to see, taking yourself to dinner or to lunch if you’re on a budget, or just going to the mall to shop for an hour. All these things are necessary!

Keep up with yourself and your sexy!

Just because you are married doesn’t mean you should be in sweats all the time. Wear something nice once a week to spice up your routine……

View original post 144 more words

The Real Cost of Living: $150,000 Minimum

7 Mar

Here is the evidence!!! The numbers at the bottom of the article are staggering!

One Lovely Blog Award

23 Jan

I receive this award from Sherline she was such a blessing to me during the fast, I continue to look forward to her new work on her new site! Please stop by her page. There are no rules for the One Lovely Blog Award I am just going to share the love! *The pictures on here always make me hungry*

Here are the lucky six! Share the wealth!

Thanks again for the nom Sherline!

Forgiveness post

7 Dec

Sorry for the inconvenience about not being able to post comments! The post is back up and ready for your comments, likes, and sharing!

Thanks for reading!

Forgiveness post

7 Dec

Sorry for the inconvenience about not being able to post comments! The post is back up and ready for your comments, likes, and sharing!

Thanks for reading!