Tag Archives: Jesus

Will You Make Today Great?

4 Apr


Life: it can go in two directions; for better or for worse. Many believe that their life is always going in the opposite direction, for the worse. I see and hear people say “FML” (sorry) or “I hate my life” for the stupidest things yet you only have one. 

Yes, we all have bad days but most importantly it’s up to you to allow that bad situation to ruin your entire day. 

Nowadays, I tell people make it a great day, make it an amazing day, or be blessed on this amazing day. You are in charge of the outcome of your day. 

Yesterday, many employees cried to me in confidence, yesterday my teacher forgot to tell me I needed an appointment to take a midterm therefore I couldn’t take it, yesterday I needed to be in the Lords house but I decided to assist family instead, yesterday it was 65 degrees and I was at work all day and couldn’t enjoy it, yesterday all of these unexpected occurrences gave me a pounding headache along with a few other things. I was upset for ten minutes I won’t lie but I didn’t let it steal my joy! 

Thank God today for opening your eyes and declare that today will be a good day. You control the outcome and stop saying your life sucks because when you look at the small positives they make this life worth it. 

Many blessings to you and go out and make today great!! 

Author and Speaker Nadia Atkinson to Stop by Holy Spiritz Radio

30 Mar

Hello friends, 

As you may know I have written my first book last November entitled, The Past is in the Past so Let it Pass. Tonight I will be stopping by Holy Spiritz Radio in Atlanta, Georgia to discuss the wonderful testimonies of 16 women who gave their lives over to Christ Jesus. 

Please stop by at 6:30 pm to listen. Hope to see you there! 

Get your copy here!! 

Nadia A. 


From Holy Spiritz Radio:

We are so glad to announce that Speaker and Author Ms. Nadia Atkinson is returning to The Holy Spiritz Radio Show, to talk about her most recent published book titled “The Past is in the Past so let it Pass”, as well and her organization called “Be You Nique LLC”.  We’ll be discussing how her latest book has change the lives of women all across the country as well as how it has affected Nadia’s life as well.  We will be catching up on the Be You Nique LLC to see just how far things have developed in birthing this program that God placed in side of Ms. Atkinson even before she knew her mother.  Such a dynamic and powerful woman she is, and we’re so thankful to bring her back to you and to also let you know that Nadia’s show is still the number one show we’ve ever done!

Hope to see you there!


Tune in here: 



Listen to the original interview here: 


Daniel Fast Day 9

10 Jan

Yesterday I was so sick!!! The entire day! I had to force myself to eat oats and a banana around 3 in the afternoon. I’m sure it was those amazing tacos that I had but I don’t think ill eat it ever again. I drank Pellegrino with lemon and had a bottle of water. I was not feeling it at all.

I did manage to complete my bible reading for the fast, Luke 6 which was when Jesus chose His disciples. I do realize that I have more talks with God and I am conscience of what I’m saying or how I am reacting to certain things. I notice more people talking to me about the fast and their issues. It allows me to uplift those who I would have never thought needed the encouragement. I love the person I am becoming.

Be blessed!

Fortunately Unfortunate

10 Dec

Fortunately I was able to wake up this morning,

Unfortunately there was someone around the world who didn’t.


Fortunately I ate multiple times today,

Unfortunately there are millions who will not even have one meal.


Fortunately I am able to serve my God in peace,

Unfortunately there are many who must serve theirs in secret.


Fortunately I have grown to trust my Father in heaven,

Unfortunately there are many who don’t.

Yet, God is faithful.


Fortunately I have a bed to sleep on with a roof over my head,

Unfortunately there are millions who sleep on the ground outside.


Fortunately I am prosperous in the Lord although I am unemployed,

Unfortunately there are those who lack prosperity because they think of monetary

And material wealth but, it’s a lifestyle that begins in your heart.


Unfortunately there is someone reading this who hasn’t dedicated their life to Christ,

Fortunately today is the perfect day to.