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Fulfilling Your Need

25 Jul

what-you-needIt never fails… each and every time something life changing happens the two things that tend to cure me are writing and music. This time I’ve added a third…God. My love for writing tends to take a backseat when something else replaces it. One thing that I realize is that the love never goes away. I can think of an entire book in my head but never know how to put it to pen and pad. The ability never leaves. I am sure there are many of us out there who have that one thing that they constantly put off until you “need” it again. I need to write. Someone may need to sing, dance, read, love, talk, sew, work, worship…write. Whatever that “need” may be just DO NOT place it on the shelf and years later you dust it off and realize that you missed that “need” so much. You are supposed to bless someone with that talent! Let’s use the second half of the year to fulfill that desire to move forward with your dream! Take that vision and make it a goal and turn it into a check mark marked COMPLETE!

Now that that is done…

I have missed you guys so much!!! I miss reading my daily blogs and comments. Thank you so very much for those of you who nominated me for the “Blog of the Year” award! I was so humbled because I stopped writing for the second half of the year and you still remembered little ol me! Thank you so very much!!

So much has happened and changed! I may not understand a great portion of it but I am glad to be on God’s side! It truly makes life a lot easier.

I will definitely share more of my experiences at another time but just wanted to say hello and thank you all! Love ya!


❤ Nadia

Every Woman

22 Apr

“Inside of every woman lives a needy little girl wanting to feel pretty, loved, secure. Expose her to her imperfections, toy with her desire to feel loved, rattle her sense of security, and you bring that needy little girl to the surface.” – Steven James

My thoughts at the moment:

12 Apr

The smell of Subway sandwiches, restaurant, whatever makes me sick. I walked around the mall today and walked into Journeys which is next to Subway and I couldn’t even stay in the store. I was so sick to my stomach I almost threw up. I don’t know why your clothes smell when you leave, I am not sure why it gives off that smell. But I would rather smell like Starbucks than Subway. Ugh.

I understand that television networks have commercials to pay for their expenses but I am waiting a few more minutes so that I can watch a new series a little later so that I can fast forward the commercials. I probably miss out on some new products or services I could benefit from but I will pass. Commercials drive me crazy. Most of them are not even funny and the only time I may watch a commercial is when I forgot that it was previously recorded and then the light bulb goes off and I fast forward the commercials.

I was super excited to start a vegetable garden and planted some 146 seeds and I have no idea how I am going to fit these plants into a big pot. Where I live I am not allowed to plant a garden in the ground. But now I am curious to see how much these ginormous pots will be to keep the gardening going. Sigh. Does anyone want some zucchini? Cherry tomatoes? Parsley? Snow peas? Green beans?

Is there anything that bugs you right now? Clearly I have no shame in expressing what bothers me but is there anyone out there who thinks Subway smells?

Nadie La.

9 Apr

Okay…so I fell off the blog sphere for three short days….ahem I mean weeks and now I am back…for today. LOL. I have been keeping up with everyone’s blogs and I pray that everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend, if you’re one to celebrate!

I finally decided to take out chicken from my diet. I am not sure when this will happen or if I will just switch to organic chicken but I am pretty sure it’ll happen over the Summer months. I visited Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods for the first time over the last two weeks and I really enjoyed being there. However, I will never ever go there ever again during lunch time. It was a pure circus in Trader Joe’s and I was completely overwhelmed because everyone was in a major rush to find all of the fun salads, fruits, and veggies that made their tummies happy! I was able to find Pellegrino for a great price so I finally know where to buy it! So eating healthier is definitely on my top list of things to do every day!

The other day however I decided to try a Netflix trial and I began to watch “Food Inc.” This movie is relatively old but this was the first time I actually watched it. I’ve heard about it for many years now and never watched it but I am glad I did and I encourage everyone to watch this movie. It sickens me to know what goes on with all the meat that people eat. For almost a year now I have not eaten pork, lamb, or beef. I miss it but when I want those things I actually buy vegan. It is definitely not the same but it isn’t bad either. The way these farmers are told to process the food is horrible and it makes you think twice and then three times about what you are consuming. That’s what encouraged me to step into Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. Although it is a bit more expensive to eat healthier I feel it is worth it.

There was a case where there was a young family who had one parent on diabetes medication that cost around $400 dollars per month and they were barely getting by. This family had to decide if the produce that was at the supermarket was “on sale” in order to even purchase it. Broccoli was so expensive to this family, $1.29 per pound back in 2006, imagine how this family is coping today. The parents decided that it was too expensive to purchase one pound of broccoli because that would only feed two of the four members and decided to go to the dollar menu instead. I was so saddened by this situation and disgusted with the way things are with this world today because everything is about money and no one cares about people any more. I know everyone is responsible for their own finances but when the cost of living in constantly increasing and wages aren’t people start to struggle.

School!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where does one begin? It is almost over! Three weeks left! I can’t wait! Notice all the exclamation marks? That displays my excitement!!! Although school is almost over I have to say I will actually miss learning about the women in history. This week we are learning about the women of the Great Depression which fueled my anger once again because I just watched “Food Inc” and gas rose like ten cents over night the other day. Then, I read an article stating another depression is less than 20 years away. That isn’t very encouraging at all. Millions of people lost their homes to foreclosure, savings accounts vanished over night, and various states closed banks, period. Without a place to live, without money to buy food and to think that there was absolutely no banking system in some states is a little crazy. My generation and the ones under me have to get to work like yesterday! We have to build up a greater nation. There is no way that this country has 300+ years under its belt and is about to repeat a depression cycle. That is sick! It is way too soon for America to repeat it’s most devastating financial crisis again. I know what some of my followers are thinking, especially the ones who do not live in the U.S.! You guys always remind me of how awesome my country really is! :0) But, seriously something has got to give and I mean soon!

Well that is all from me today folks! I have some homework to tend to and thanks for always being supportive!

Nadie La

Five Hour Disaster Flight

15 Mar

I told myself that I would enjoy my five hour flight to Phoenix and would refrain from talking about people but there is just too much to talk about. This blog will be me complaining with a few nice things to say but I am not having a good experience and it is only an hour and a half into my flight. Sigh.

First and foremost I said to my parental on the drive to the airport that I hate going to the airport because they always want to conduct a strip search and ask what color panties you are wearing. It is a huge issue of mine because I am always the one to get “randomly selected” to go to the left. Of course this happens yet again. Is it the way I look? Do I come off as sneaky? Don’t answer that. But I just want to know. So of course I am pulled to the side and asked to wait in this clear glass room with a glass door that I cannot get out of unless someone lets me out. AWESOME. Then this tall dude comes over and says, “This is the one?” Like really what does that even mean? I asked the tall dude to remove my scarf off of the security belt because if it got stuck I was going to get upset and it was yellow it would get dirty fast. So please help a girl out. Scarfs are becoming expensive. Any who, he collects my belongings, I go to the left, and he does a wipe and sniff of my shoes, then tries to make small talk about where I am going and why. I can’t. He then drops my carry-on on the floor and says, “You can go over there and get organized.” Now I am mad. That was it? A scratch and sniff of my shoes and I am done. Hello did they not go through the scanner already? I am puzzled.

So, I have about a half hour to wait until boarding starts and I noticed a baby. Now, I don’t mind the kiddies but I do mind when you can’t keep your kid under control. I just saw on the news a couple that was booted off their flight because they couldn’t keep their kiddie under control. So this is what comes to mind when I see the baby crying. Great, a five hour flight with a crying baby, did I mention that I was sleepy?

Let’s rewind a few days because I was debating on checking in luggage or carrying on luggage and I didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be comfortable while waiting so I decided to check in luggage and pay the $25 fee each way. Thank God I did because as we are boarding they tell the last 25 rows that there is no more room and if you have a carry on you must check it in. Awesome. I have some peace of mind because now I don’t have to worry about them losing my luggage when I didn’t want to check in luggage in the first place.

Now we’re on the plane, I notice that I can’t even enjoy my five hour flight with a little television without paying $7.99 for this free feature, which is usually included in the price of the flight. Then I notice two little boys getting closer and closer to my area and wow what do you know? They sit right behind me. Awesome!  All of a sudden this is Toys R Us and I see action figures, cars, and trucks. I start hearing little boy noises while playing with these items as they began to kick my chair. Great. Now the baby starts crying. I can’t win. I am sure the nice lady sitting next to me is upset too because she keeps looking back at these kids who don’t speak English and their parentals aren’t saying anything to them. Why?????????? I should have taken the $300 they offered me when I checked in. I can’t wait until I am on the ground again to upload this blog. It would actually ease my frustration a little.

Oh I forgot to mention, there is a giant sitting in front of me who keeps moving and his seat keeps bumping my laptop. Dude relax, you aren’t going to be as comfortable as you are on your couch. This is a small airplane seat and, oh snap, I just saw blonde hair and a scrunchi it’s a woman!!!!!! LOL Why is this happening? I can’t deal with the seat kicking. Do you think this red button at the top of my seat will help? Maybe the flight attendant can assist and tell these kiddies to stop kicking my chair. Three hours left.

Well I was border line starving, I had a bowl of cereal and a granola bar before the flight and I was very hungry and gave in to purchasing a $9 “snack box” filled with crackers from like three different countries, a cheese spread, almonds, and my fave, olives, as previously noted, I was actually pretty happy because of the olives. The noise and seat kicking didn’t offend me as much…until I was done.

Oh the joys of flying coach.

Very Inspiring Blog Award

13 Mar

I have been MIA for a little while and I am still receiving blog award love from the wonderful Sherline from Sherline’s Whatchu Thinkin’ Blog. She continues to bless the world with inspiring words from God. She has passed on the ‘Very Inspiring Blog Award’ to me and there are a few rules about this award. I must thank the person who gave me the award, share 7 things about myself, and pass the award to 7 nominees.

  1. I have a thing for teddy bears.
  2.  I own too many favorite tees from The Gap and they are all white.
  3.  This semester is kicking my butt.
  4.  I love olives & pickles.
  5. I am obsessed with Bejeweled.
  6. I only wash my clothes with Gain.
  7. I feel that sleep is necessary but overrated

Here are my nominations.

Thank you again for the nom Sherline and congrats to the new nominees!

The New Middle Class

7 Mar

Since I was a teen I said I wanted to help the poor to middle class learn about money. I always said that there would be two classes. Rich or poor. There will be no middle class. Who knew in less than ten years this would be true. I was a kid talking crazy. I didn’t watch CNN much I just had a vision.
It has been said that in order to be considered middle class your household income has to be at least $150,000 USD per year. Once upon a time that was living the good life. Now that’s just surviving. With the static, 40+ percent of 18-23 year olds are unemployed, makes it difficult to start some where. Most adults are working in the “teenage” job field because the US unemployment rate is through the roof. There are no jobs anywhere.
Where does one start? How does one begin to build their wealth in order to “survive”? Saving money… daily, weekly, monthly. It doesn’t matter how much just as long as it is something. It’s easier said than done but it is possible.
How do you feel about the new salary requirement to be considered middle class?


The ABC Award: Awesome Blog Content Award

23 Jan

I would like to thank Worrywarts for nominating me for the ABC Award, it is such a cool award that I am extremely excited to share with my blogging followers and I am so curious to see what everyone will write for their ABC’s.

This one is simple – to ‘accept’ the award you just add the ABC Award logo to your blog –and then you share something about yourself with your readers and then pass the award on to other worthy bloggers – there’s no limit to how few – or how many – other bloggers you can send this to.

To share something about yourself – you will need to go through the alphabet and choose a word or phrase for each letter and use that to describe yourself – it might be something about you, something you like, or a place or thing you dream about. And that’s all – no long descriptions or detail – just create a new post, add your shiny new blog award badge and alphabet words and let your readers enjoy finding out a little more about you.

So here’s my alphabet about myself:






















































Here are my nominations:


Congrats! Can’t wait to see what everyone will say about themselves!

The Liebster Blog Award

23 Jan

The Liebster Blog Award

I received The Liebster Blog Award from Aisha at Aisha’s Scrapyard and I am completely grateful! There are a few rules for this lovely award so here they are.

1. Thank the fellow blogger who nominated you.
2. List five blogs that has impacted your writing in a positive manner, by virtue of comments, posts, inspirations etc.
3. Leave comments on those blogs letting them know of the nominations
4. Post the award in your blog.
5. Bask in the love of fellow bloggers and spread joy and inculcate good karma. I still love this site as a helpless romantic! again the food!!!!!

Congrats to the three bloggers above! Everyone I wanted to nominate…well let’s just say they have already received the award. It’s the thought that counts! 🙂

The Must-Have’s of Life

23 Jan

Over the last few years I have grown to love Suze Orman. She is truly America’s Financial Advisor. She recently started a show on OWN (Oprah Winfrey’s Network) called America’s Money Class which I must say is a must see! After watching the third episode I decided to share some info that I took away from this class session. Now the information that I will share is nothing foreign to anyone. At least once in your life you have heard of them so here they are!

  1. A will
  2. Life Insurance

A will is probably the most important document you will ever sign ever besides a mortgage, which is the most important investment you will ever make. A will is so critical to have that without it so many issues, court fees, lawyer fees, time and money wasted can come to pass without it. If any of the following pertain to you then you NEED a will yesterday if you do not have one.

If you,

  1. Own a home
  2. Are married
  3. Have children
  4. Are sick with disease
  5. Own anything

You need a will. People tend to think that if they do not have a million and ten dollars in the bank they do not need a will. This is not true, if you fall into any of the above categories then guess what you need a will. There are many different types of wills: living trust and a will. But let’s say you own a home and you’re married and you die. You don’t have a will or a living trust saying that your wife should get the house. The state now has to decide who will receive your assets and that can take many months. Same scenario but this time you have children and both of you and your hubby or wife die in a car accident now what? Who is going to take care of your children? What will happen to your home? A will can decide all of this. Get a will. Go to they are cheap and it takes 15 minutes tops!

Life insurance!!!!!! I can’t emphasize how important it is to have a whole life policy and not a term policy. A whole life policy is for your entire life where a term policy is over a certain amount of time. The younger you get it the better. You are less likely to have illnesses and the insurance will be cheap whereas if you were 45 and this will be your first policy ever you will absolutely pay a few hundred dollars more for insurance. Everyone says I have life insurance with my job. Oh that’s nice but your job isn’t guaranteed we know that for sure with today’s world and oh just in case you didn’t realize it, IT IS NOT ENOUGH!!! Especially if you have a family, wife, husband, children, and a home. If you pass and your husband or wife doesn’t work, or they aren’t the bread winner of the household and you have a $200,000 mortgage left, they can be looking at foreclosure. Then what? Please protect your families! It is so vital to do this. Anything can happen at any time. Social security isn’t going to help you, your family isn’t going to help you forever, your job isn’t going to help you. I know I am talking a lot about death but the one thing you’re completely passionate about is your family. They need to be protected after death. That goes for both husband and wife.  Get on it!! So many insurance companies offer this.  A lot of times you can bundle your car insurance with this to get a cheaper policy. DO IT, AND DO IT NOW! Money doesn’t grow on trees and the ones who do not have 8 months stashed away for an emergency fund can and will be in trouble.

Go back and read my 70-10-10-10 post. You can definitely do this and it is very easy to do so. Just live within your means, cut the unnecessary out of your life and make it happen.

Here are 4 must have documents recommended by Suze Orman from her new show on OWN:

Here is an amazing book by Suze Orman that I will always adore and thank her for because without this book you can be completely in the dark about money.

Here is the link for legalzoom to make a will:

When it comes to saving absolutely open an account at a bank that you do not bank at if you are not disciplined enough to have it at your own bank. If you are working, make sure you have 10% of it deposited into this account each and every check so that you are building a fund and keeping it out of site. Just remember to pay attention to service fees and account requirements.

Thanks dolls!
