Tag Archives: scandal

My thoughts at the moment:

12 Apr

The smell of Subway sandwiches, restaurant, whatever makes me sick. I walked around the mall today and walked into Journeys which is next to Subway and I couldn’t even stay in the store. I was so sick to my stomach I almost threw up. I don’t know why your clothes smell when you leave, I am not sure why it gives off that smell. But I would rather smell like Starbucks than Subway. Ugh.

I understand that television networks have commercials to pay for their expenses but I am waiting a few more minutes so that I can watch a new series a little later so that I can fast forward the commercials. I probably miss out on some new products or services I could benefit from but I will pass. Commercials drive me crazy. Most of them are not even funny and the only time I may watch a commercial is when I forgot that it was previously recorded and then the light bulb goes off and I fast forward the commercials.

I was super excited to start a vegetable garden and planted some 146 seeds and I have no idea how I am going to fit these plants into a big pot. Where I live I am not allowed to plant a garden in the ground. But now I am curious to see how much these ginormous pots will be to keep the gardening going. Sigh. Does anyone want some zucchini? Cherry tomatoes? Parsley? Snow peas? Green beans?

Is there anything that bugs you right now? Clearly I have no shame in expressing what bothers me but is there anyone out there who thinks Subway smells?

Nadie La.