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Others vs. Me

29 Jul

“People are our sunshine, our soil, our rain. When are we going to stop surviving off of people and start living for ourselves?”

– Nadia A

I wrote this quote in the middle of my notes during my Psych class this evening. We were learning about personality and I wondered when will I ever start living for myself? As long as I can remember I’ve always put someone else before me. I can’t say that is necessarily a negative trait but I don’t see much positive in it either. I allow others to “change” me for the time being. I am so wrapped up in being who they want me to be that I forget to be me. Whoever that person may be is an amazing person… before the change. That is who I need to become all the time. I do not want to be that wife and mother (one day) who starts living her life once her kids are ready for college. I am sure I wrote this in a blog post before but for some reason it sticks this time. I am a habitual thinker who is extremely observant and a genius in my own right. Who isn’t? I won’t say that my mind and the way it works is a negative trait because it is something God gave me yet how I use it… well that’s another story. I am learning and unlearning at the same time. Change can only happen if I want it to. One cannot allow another to change them if they are not ready to be changed. I want to change me and someone else may not agree with that change but the people who are supposed to be in my life will embrace the change and accept me for who I am.

This is a new season! I have a new outlook on life and what it means to truly be me and I am looking forward to tomorrow… you should too.


One Day At A Time

28 Jul

“The way to predict God’s future is to look back at His past performance! He is faithful! You can trust Him! All is well in the end; so if all is not well, it’s not THE END!”

– Bishop Dale Bronner

I love it when little quotes speak volumes. The first half of the year has been interesting. However, the second half will be greater than the first! I am looking forward to August, September, October, November, and December. I do not know what is in store for me but, I do know that I have so many ideas, visions, and tasks ahead of me. I can only see one thing flashing in my mind…. “TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME” …. so that is what I plan to do. Take it one day at a time. I know I serve a God of more than enough and I am going to do exactly what He tells me to do in the coming months so that I can tell others that HE IS REAL. (John Gray)

Many Blessings,

Nadie La

9 Apr

Okay…so I fell off the blog sphere for three short days….ahem I mean weeks and now I am back…for today. LOL. I have been keeping up with everyone’s blogs and I pray that everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend, if you’re one to celebrate!

I finally decided to take out chicken from my diet. I am not sure when this will happen or if I will just switch to organic chicken but I am pretty sure it’ll happen over the Summer months. I visited Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods for the first time over the last two weeks and I really enjoyed being there. However, I will never ever go there ever again during lunch time. It was a pure circus in Trader Joe’s and I was completely overwhelmed because everyone was in a major rush to find all of the fun salads, fruits, and veggies that made their tummies happy! I was able to find Pellegrino for a great price so I finally know where to buy it! So eating healthier is definitely on my top list of things to do every day!

The other day however I decided to try a Netflix trial and I began to watch “Food Inc.” This movie is relatively old but this was the first time I actually watched it. I’ve heard about it for many years now and never watched it but I am glad I did and I encourage everyone to watch this movie. It sickens me to know what goes on with all the meat that people eat. For almost a year now I have not eaten pork, lamb, or beef. I miss it but when I want those things I actually buy vegan. It is definitely not the same but it isn’t bad either. The way these farmers are told to process the food is horrible and it makes you think twice and then three times about what you are consuming. That’s what encouraged me to step into Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. Although it is a bit more expensive to eat healthier I feel it is worth it.

There was a case where there was a young family who had one parent on diabetes medication that cost around $400 dollars per month and they were barely getting by. This family had to decide if the produce that was at the supermarket was “on sale” in order to even purchase it. Broccoli was so expensive to this family, $1.29 per pound back in 2006, imagine how this family is coping today. The parents decided that it was too expensive to purchase one pound of broccoli because that would only feed two of the four members and decided to go to the dollar menu instead. I was so saddened by this situation and disgusted with the way things are with this world today because everything is about money and no one cares about people any more. I know everyone is responsible for their own finances but when the cost of living in constantly increasing and wages aren’t people start to struggle.

School!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where does one begin? It is almost over! Three weeks left! I can’t wait! Notice all the exclamation marks? That displays my excitement!!! Although school is almost over I have to say I will actually miss learning about the women in history. This week we are learning about the women of the Great Depression which fueled my anger once again because I just watched “Food Inc” and gas rose like ten cents over night the other day. Then, I read an article stating another depression is less than 20 years away. That isn’t very encouraging at all. Millions of people lost their homes to foreclosure, savings accounts vanished over night, and various states closed banks, period. Without a place to live, without money to buy food and to think that there was absolutely no banking system in some states is a little crazy. My generation and the ones under me have to get to work like yesterday! We have to build up a greater nation. There is no way that this country has 300+ years under its belt and is about to repeat a depression cycle. That is sick! It is way too soon for America to repeat it’s most devastating financial crisis again. I know what some of my followers are thinking, especially the ones who do not live in the U.S.! You guys always remind me of how awesome my country really is! :0) But, seriously something has got to give and I mean soon!

Well that is all from me today folks! I have some homework to tend to and thanks for always being supportive!

Nadie La

The Kreativ Blogger Award

23 Dec

So within less than 24 hours I was nominated for two Blogger Awards and I was so happy as you can tell by me screaming in my previous post! Thank you unwrittentruth for nominating me for the award! I love what you do on your page! Thank you so much!

So here are the rules for this award, I am required to share 10 things you may not know about me. Then, I will pass on this award to at least 6 or more other bloggers and notify them.

10 other things you may not know about me:

  1. I am blessed
  2. I love Brad Meltzer’s Decoded on the History Channel
  3. I am addicted to Word Feud & Words With Friends on my Android
  4. I have recently become a natural  (no more permed hair)
  5. I hate doing laundry
  6. I do not like school yet I want to get a doctorate
  7. I can’t go a day without eating Special K’s Cinnamon Pecan Cereal
  8. I am always cold
  9. I love wearing socks because of #8
  10. My favorite Pixar film is Toy Story!

6 bloggers who I will pass this award onto:

  2. Braincaviar
  3. A Frank Angle
  4. The Heartbreak of Invention
  5. Worrywarts-guide-to-weight-sex-and-marriage
  6. Sorry I don’t have six

Thanks again for the nomination and I love you guys for reading and commenting on my blog! xoxo

World A.I.D.S. Day

1 Dec

This morning I tweeted my thoughts about World A.I.D.S. Day and I just wanted to write what I tweeted in a post. Be blessed!

“@nadielala Today is world AIDS day! Do you know your status? If not you need to know! Get tested every 6 mos whether you are active or not!”


The Impossible

1 Dec

“Start by doing what’s necessary,

then what’s possible,

and suddenly you are doing

the impossible.”

– St. Francis of Assisi



18 Feb

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”

– Bernise Johnson Reagon

Have a great week all!