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Others vs. Me

29 Jul

“People are our sunshine, our soil, our rain. When are we going to stop surviving off of people and start living for ourselves?”

– Nadia A

I wrote this quote in the middle of my notes during my Psych class this evening. We were learning about personality and I wondered when will I ever start living for myself? As long as I can remember I’ve always put someone else before me. I can’t say that is necessarily a negative trait but I don’t see much positive in it either. I allow others to “change” me for the time being. I am so wrapped up in being who they want me to be that I forget to be me. Whoever that person may be is an amazing person… before the change. That is who I need to become all the time. I do not want to be that wife and mother (one day) who starts living her life once her kids are ready for college. I am sure I wrote this in a blog post before but for some reason it sticks this time. I am a habitual thinker who is extremely observant and a genius in my own right. Who isn’t? I won’t say that my mind and the way it works is a negative trait because it is something God gave me yet how I use it… well that’s another story. I am learning and unlearning at the same time. Change can only happen if I want it to. One cannot allow another to change them if they are not ready to be changed. I want to change me and someone else may not agree with that change but the people who are supposed to be in my life will embrace the change and accept me for who I am.

This is a new season! I have a new outlook on life and what it means to truly be me and I am looking forward to tomorrow… you should too.


Every Woman

22 Apr

“Inside of every woman lives a needy little girl wanting to feel pretty, loved, secure. Expose her to her imperfections, toy with her desire to feel loved, rattle her sense of security, and you bring that needy little girl to the surface.” – Steven James

Tuesday Night

31 Jan

It’s been a little while since my last post. I meant to share something with you last Tuesday and sitting in this classroom made me think about it again.

Hello!!! Is anyone paying attention? Hello!! It’s me the Professor standing up in front of a classroom filled with 40 plus students who are not paying attention to me yet somehow manage to copy everything that I posted on the board. Hmm.

This is what I observed last Tuesday in my Psych class. One girl to my left was extremely depressed or just healed from depression because she had a personal story to relate to every single founders theory of some school in Psychology. Another kid to the right of me two rows down managed to draw a complete portrait of some man wearing rock star shades and a sarcastic smile. Which was very nice by the way. I kept looking at the drawing and then at the professor but then the drawing was way cooler so I came to the conclusion it wasn’t the professor. As I started to develop a cramp in my right hand from writing so fast yet so neat bc I refuse to write in ten different penmanships on the same paper my teacher decides to turn to the next slide and I then decided to put down my pen in aggravation.
So here we are again on a Tuesday evening in my Psych class and every student who has arrived early seems to be doing another classes homework assignment. Including myself. Ahh the life of being a student, mastering the art of multitasking and oh wait the artist just sat next to me. I wonder what he will decide to draw today.
*imaginary school bell ringing*
Class is in session.


The Must-Have’s of Life

23 Jan

Over the last few years I have grown to love Suze Orman. She is truly America’s Financial Advisor. She recently started a show on OWN (Oprah Winfrey’s Network) called America’s Money Class which I must say is a must see! After watching the third episode I decided to share some info that I took away from this class session. Now the information that I will share is nothing foreign to anyone. At least once in your life you have heard of them so here they are!

  1. A will
  2. Life Insurance

A will is probably the most important document you will ever sign ever besides a mortgage, which is the most important investment you will ever make. A will is so critical to have that without it so many issues, court fees, lawyer fees, time and money wasted can come to pass without it. If any of the following pertain to you then you NEED a will yesterday if you do not have one.

If you,

  1. Own a home
  2. Are married
  3. Have children
  4. Are sick with disease
  5. Own anything

You need a will. People tend to think that if they do not have a million and ten dollars in the bank they do not need a will. This is not true, if you fall into any of the above categories then guess what you need a will. There are many different types of wills: living trust and a will. But let’s say you own a home and you’re married and you die. You don’t have a will or a living trust saying that your wife should get the house. The state now has to decide who will receive your assets and that can take many months. Same scenario but this time you have children and both of you and your hubby or wife die in a car accident now what? Who is going to take care of your children? What will happen to your home? A will can decide all of this. Get a will. Go to they are cheap and it takes 15 minutes tops!

Life insurance!!!!!! I can’t emphasize how important it is to have a whole life policy and not a term policy. A whole life policy is for your entire life where a term policy is over a certain amount of time. The younger you get it the better. You are less likely to have illnesses and the insurance will be cheap whereas if you were 45 and this will be your first policy ever you will absolutely pay a few hundred dollars more for insurance. Everyone says I have life insurance with my job. Oh that’s nice but your job isn’t guaranteed we know that for sure with today’s world and oh just in case you didn’t realize it, IT IS NOT ENOUGH!!! Especially if you have a family, wife, husband, children, and a home. If you pass and your husband or wife doesn’t work, or they aren’t the bread winner of the household and you have a $200,000 mortgage left, they can be looking at foreclosure. Then what? Please protect your families! It is so vital to do this. Anything can happen at any time. Social security isn’t going to help you, your family isn’t going to help you forever, your job isn’t going to help you. I know I am talking a lot about death but the one thing you’re completely passionate about is your family. They need to be protected after death. That goes for both husband and wife.  Get on it!! So many insurance companies offer this.  A lot of times you can bundle your car insurance with this to get a cheaper policy. DO IT, AND DO IT NOW! Money doesn’t grow on trees and the ones who do not have 8 months stashed away for an emergency fund can and will be in trouble.

Go back and read my 70-10-10-10 post. You can definitely do this and it is very easy to do so. Just live within your means, cut the unnecessary out of your life and make it happen.

Here are 4 must have documents recommended by Suze Orman from her new show on OWN:

Here is an amazing book by Suze Orman that I will always adore and thank her for because without this book you can be completely in the dark about money.

Here is the link for legalzoom to make a will:

When it comes to saving absolutely open an account at a bank that you do not bank at if you are not disciplined enough to have it at your own bank. If you are working, make sure you have 10% of it deposited into this account each and every check so that you are building a fund and keeping it out of site. Just remember to pay attention to service fees and account requirements.

Thanks dolls!


Daniel Fast Day 11

12 Jan

Thank you everyone for your continuous encouragement during the Daniel Fast. Today was a bit hard for me because I am missing my normal foods. (This was torture)


I know someone recently commented that I should make this a lifestyle but right now I’m not ready to. I decided to fast for the right reasons, to honor God with a pure heart, willing to give up something to draw closer to Him, and allow myself to gain mental clarity. So far so good. I’m so grateful for that. But, knowing that the entire fast would be a bit of a rocky road is also good. God didn’t intend for our lives to be good all the time. Of course there will be trials and tribulations and this allows us to stay close to God. It allows us to get on our knees and pray to Him to help us get THROUGH the trials. He will never give us more than we can handle. Even if we inflict it upon ourselves. He is always there for us and always there to bring us back to Him by the trials that we face.

Today I read Luke 8 and enjoyed a great bible study.

I ate potatoes with veggie sausages for breakfast, organic steel oats with apples and cinnamon for lunch, and a veggie stir fry for dinner.

This evening I decided to no longer document my journey and again I thank everyone for your kind thoughts and encouragement. I have 9 days left and I am looking forward to them, God willing. I will continue blogging but just know I will complete the fast! Thanks for your support especially Willow, nightshade, watw, worrywarts, John, poeticjourney, and Bernadette!


Princess NadieLaLa


12 Jan

T traces of
E egotistical fears
A affecting
R realistic
S scars.

Evidence of the former existance of selfish fears moving or exciting the feelings of emotions that are truly resembling real life lasting effects of trouble.


Odd but worth posting!

Spiritual Vitamins

10 Jan

Spiritual Vitamins

Are you anxious?

Take Vitamin A: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.      Romans 8:28

Are you brokenhearted?

Take Vitamin B: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.      Matthew 5:4

Are you confused?

Take Vitamin C: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Are you depressed?

Take Vitamin D: Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.      Psalm 37:4

Are you empty?

Take Vitamin E: Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise      Psalm 100:4

Are you facing failure?

Take Vitamin F: The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

Are you grieving?

Take Vitamin G:  I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power.     Ephesians 3:16

Are you hurting?

Take Vitamin H: happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you      1 Peter 4:11 KJV

Are you insulted?

Take Vitamin I: increase and abound in love one toward another      Thessalonians 3:12 KJV


Are you jealous?

Take Vitamin J: Judge not, that ye be not judged.     Matthew 7:1 KJV

Are you kicked around?

Take Vitamin K:  Keep yourselves in God’s love      Jude 21

Are you lonely?

Take Vitamin L: lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world        Matt. 28:19 ASV

Are you in need of money?

Take Vitamin M: my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.      Phil. 4:19

Are you neglected?

Take Vitamin N: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”      Hebrews 13:5

Are you oppressed?

Take Vitamin O: the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.      1 John 4:4

Are you persecuted?

Take Vitamin P:  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.      2 Cor. 4:9

Are you about to quit?

Take vitamin Q: he leads me beside quiet waters      Psalm 23:2

Are you rejected?

Take vitamin R: Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!       Philippians 4:4

Are you sad?

Take Vitamin S: set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.      Colossians 3:1

Are you troubled?

Take Vitamin T:  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.      Proverbs 3:5-6

Are you upset?

Take Vitamin U: understand what the Lord’s will is.      Ephesians 5:17

Are you victimized?

Take Vitamin V: verily thou shalt be fed       Psalm 37:3 KJV

Are you weary?

Take Vitamin W: Let us not become weary in doing good,      Galatians 6:9

Are you exasperated?

Take vitamin X: if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.      Philippians 4:8

Are you yearning?

Take Vitamin Y: yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead      Romans 6:13 KJV

Are you zapped?

Take Vitamin Z: Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.      Romans 12:11


Don’t forget to take your spiritual vitamins each and every day!

All scriptures were taken from the NIV unless noted.


Thought this was something great to share from Jack Redmond at



67 Ways that Make Him Feel Super Respected

7 Jan

65 ways that Make Her Feel Special

7 Jan

Awesome read for men and I’ll post the the one later for women.

Daniel Fast Day 6

6 Jan

Today’s reading is Proverbs 1 for the Daniel Fast. I won’t say too much today I will just leave you with a picture. If you have been following my blog for sometime now you know I have an addiction to Mexican food. The fast has taken away my love for chips and salsa until I saw this…


The no preservatives, all natural, organic version of tortilla chips. That’s when the heavens opened up! God is looking out for me! He knows His daughter cannot live without these things for another day! Amen!

Love you guys thanks for all of your support via comments and Facebook! I will comment back ASAP! Xoxo