Tag Archives: life

Will You Make Today Great?

4 Apr


Life: it can go in two directions; for better or for worse. Many believe that their life is always going in the opposite direction, for the worse. I see and hear people say “FML” (sorry) or “I hate my life” for the stupidest things yet you only have one. 

Yes, we all have bad days but most importantly it’s up to you to allow that bad situation to ruin your entire day. 

Nowadays, I tell people make it a great day, make it an amazing day, or be blessed on this amazing day. You are in charge of the outcome of your day. 

Yesterday, many employees cried to me in confidence, yesterday my teacher forgot to tell me I needed an appointment to take a midterm therefore I couldn’t take it, yesterday I needed to be in the Lords house but I decided to assist family instead, yesterday it was 65 degrees and I was at work all day and couldn’t enjoy it, yesterday all of these unexpected occurrences gave me a pounding headache along with a few other things. I was upset for ten minutes I won’t lie but I didn’t let it steal my joy! 

Thank God today for opening your eyes and declare that today will be a good day. You control the outcome and stop saying your life sucks because when you look at the small positives they make this life worth it. 

Many blessings to you and go out and make today great!! 


Embrace The Valleys

14 Mar

Embrace The Valleys

Every Woman

22 Apr

“Inside of every woman lives a needy little girl wanting to feel pretty, loved, secure. Expose her to her imperfections, toy with her desire to feel loved, rattle her sense of security, and you bring that needy little girl to the surface.” – Steven James

Tuesday Night

31 Jan

It’s been a little while since my last post. I meant to share something with you last Tuesday and sitting in this classroom made me think about it again.

Hello!!! Is anyone paying attention? Hello!! It’s me the Professor standing up in front of a classroom filled with 40 plus students who are not paying attention to me yet somehow manage to copy everything that I posted on the board. Hmm.

This is what I observed last Tuesday in my Psych class. One girl to my left was extremely depressed or just healed from depression because she had a personal story to relate to every single founders theory of some school in Psychology. Another kid to the right of me two rows down managed to draw a complete portrait of some man wearing rock star shades and a sarcastic smile. Which was very nice by the way. I kept looking at the drawing and then at the professor but then the drawing was way cooler so I came to the conclusion it wasn’t the professor. As I started to develop a cramp in my right hand from writing so fast yet so neat bc I refuse to write in ten different penmanships on the same paper my teacher decides to turn to the next slide and I then decided to put down my pen in aggravation.
So here we are again on a Tuesday evening in my Psych class and every student who has arrived early seems to be doing another classes homework assignment. Including myself. Ahh the life of being a student, mastering the art of multitasking and oh wait the artist just sat next to me. I wonder what he will decide to draw today.
*imaginary school bell ringing*
Class is in session.


The ABC Award: Awesome Blog Content Award

23 Jan

I would like to thank Worrywarts for nominating me for the ABC Award, it is such a cool award that I am extremely excited to share with my blogging followers and I am so curious to see what everyone will write for their ABC’s.

This one is simple – to ‘accept’ the award you just add the ABC Award logo to your blog –and then you share something about yourself with your readers and then pass the award on to other worthy bloggers – there’s no limit to how few – or how many – other bloggers you can send this to.

To share something about yourself – you will need to go through the alphabet and choose a word or phrase for each letter and use that to describe yourself – it might be something about you, something you like, or a place or thing you dream about. And that’s all – no long descriptions or detail – just create a new post, add your shiny new blog award badge and alphabet words and let your readers enjoy finding out a little more about you.

So here’s my alphabet about myself:






















































Here are my nominations:











Congrats! Can’t wait to see what everyone will say about themselves!

The Must-Have’s of Life

23 Jan

Over the last few years I have grown to love Suze Orman. She is truly America’s Financial Advisor. She recently started a show on OWN (Oprah Winfrey’s Network) called America’s Money Class which I must say is a must see! After watching the third episode I decided to share some info that I took away from this class session. Now the information that I will share is nothing foreign to anyone. At least once in your life you have heard of them so here they are!

  1. A will
  2. Life Insurance

A will is probably the most important document you will ever sign ever besides a mortgage, which is the most important investment you will ever make. A will is so critical to have that without it so many issues, court fees, lawyer fees, time and money wasted can come to pass without it. If any of the following pertain to you then you NEED a will yesterday if you do not have one.

If you,

  1. Own a home
  2. Are married
  3. Have children
  4. Are sick with disease
  5. Own anything

You need a will. People tend to think that if they do not have a million and ten dollars in the bank they do not need a will. This is not true, if you fall into any of the above categories then guess what you need a will. There are many different types of wills: living trust and a will. But let’s say you own a home and you’re married and you die. You don’t have a will or a living trust saying that your wife should get the house. The state now has to decide who will receive your assets and that can take many months. Same scenario but this time you have children and both of you and your hubby or wife die in a car accident now what? Who is going to take care of your children? What will happen to your home? A will can decide all of this. Get a will. Go to legalzoom.com they are cheap and it takes 15 minutes tops!

Life insurance!!!!!! I can’t emphasize how important it is to have a whole life policy and not a term policy. A whole life policy is for your entire life where a term policy is over a certain amount of time. The younger you get it the better. You are less likely to have illnesses and the insurance will be cheap whereas if you were 45 and this will be your first policy ever you will absolutely pay a few hundred dollars more for insurance. Everyone says I have life insurance with my job. Oh that’s nice but your job isn’t guaranteed we know that for sure with today’s world and oh just in case you didn’t realize it, IT IS NOT ENOUGH!!! Especially if you have a family, wife, husband, children, and a home. If you pass and your husband or wife doesn’t work, or they aren’t the bread winner of the household and you have a $200,000 mortgage left, they can be looking at foreclosure. Then what? Please protect your families! It is so vital to do this. Anything can happen at any time. Social security isn’t going to help you, your family isn’t going to help you forever, your job isn’t going to help you. I know I am talking a lot about death but the one thing you’re completely passionate about is your family. They need to be protected after death. That goes for both husband and wife.  Get on it!! So many insurance companies offer this.  A lot of times you can bundle your car insurance with this to get a cheaper policy. DO IT, AND DO IT NOW! Money doesn’t grow on trees and the ones who do not have 8 months stashed away for an emergency fund can and will be in trouble.

Go back and read my 70-10-10-10 post. You can definitely do this and it is very easy to do so. Just live within your means, cut the unnecessary out of your life and make it happen.

Here are 4 must have documents recommended by Suze Orman from her new show on OWN:


Here is an amazing book by Suze Orman that I will always adore and thank her for because without this book you can be completely in the dark about money.


Here is the link for legalzoom to make a will:


When it comes to saving absolutely open an account at a bank that you do not bank at if you are not disciplined enough to have it at your own bank. If you are working, make sure you have 10% of it deposited into this account each and every check so that you are building a fund and keeping it out of site. Just remember to pay attention to service fees and account requirements.

Thanks dolls!



12 Jan

T traces of
E egotistical fears
A affecting
R realistic
S scars.

Evidence of the former existance of selfish fears moving or exciting the feelings of emotions that are truly resembling real life lasting effects of trouble.


Odd but worth posting!

For Better Or Not…

25 Dec

I remember having a conversation with an old friend about the rich sharing their riches with their ex spouses once divorced. They sided strongly with the rich saying “if they were an athlete he didn’t have his wife on his back while he was tackling an opponent. She didn’t work up a skill, practice long hard hours, play in thousands of games to perfect that skill. Why should my ex get half? It’s not her talent. She’s just the wife.” Of course I disagreed with this, stating it was only right to receive some type of support since it was his lifestyle that created mine. It was his success that made US successful. It was me who stood by his side throughout this career so without me who would push him to keep going? I may not necessarily want half but I definitely need something to live comfortable.

What do you think?

I only bring this topic up because I recently read on Google News that Mel Gibson’s divorce was finalized and he had to give half of his fortune to his wife… some $400 million! That’s right, HALF. There was no prenup because they were married 26 years. I am sure she was there BEFORE he got famous and I forgot they share seven children.Now, I feel this is a little extreme, $400 million, but I do understand if she received this amount for giving input in writing films or helping with production, needless to say raising 7 children is beyond a full time J-O-B!

I still don’t know how I feel about it. I understand getting a pre-nup if you are wealthy and she is middle class and you want to get married but if you are like a Kobe Bryant who was young and didn’t know he would he a superstar like he is now, (who also didn’t have a prenup because he married for love) then he did the right thing.

When you marry, you marry for better or worse and till death, not until you blow up and before the money runs out let me go now so I can get half. Crazy world we live in. I’m rambling.

What are your thoughts on this?

Love…Pt. 2

25 Dec

“Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt…God is love!”

-unknown author


12 Dec

Love…it’s truly under rated and if love is love why do you always end up getting hurt?

Before. During. After. It’s just a constant mental battle that forces you to …borderline insane. How much is love really worth?
Is it worth the tears on the pillow? Is it worth never ending headaches? Is it worth being secluded from the world? Is it worth hunger? Is it worth the thoughts of constant evil thoughts running through your head? Is it worth this? All for love?

What one dreams of becoming when they are stuck in a teenage flung. What one dreams of when they are young. Big house. Picket fence. Dog. Kids. It is worth all this and its just love?

Love starts off heavy and intense with strong words from another existance. Words that sound the sweetest but today if you heard it you’d wonder if this is really coming from the meanest.

Love is never ending.

Love can start from the floor and to the highest where the birds soar but all of this can mean nothing if your heart wasn’t like a door.

Opening and closing, allowing what you want in and keeping what you want out.
I say all of this because I want to scream and shout.

I am in love!!!! And I can tell you what love is.

But what it may mean to me could be simply a cup of blossoming tea.

That doesn’t stop me from being in love because my love is not the same as your love.

(This WordPress app on my phone doesn’t let me break up the sentences the way I would like so sorry. Hope you enjoyed)

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