Tag Archives: scriptures

Embrace The Valleys

14 Mar

Embrace The Valleys

Daniel Fast Day 3

3 Jan

Hey everyone! Today was a little rough, I didn’t work out today but I actually ate more. I was more hungry than usual. I ate my new favorite meal old fashioned oats for breakfast with a banana. Many hours later, more like three, I had a snack bag of fruit. About an hour later I had a snack bag of nuts. An hour after that I had a small portion of the stir-fry I had last night. After a few hours later, more like two, I ate the left over pasta and sauce from dinner. Now about four hours later I am eating another stir fry that I created. I was inspired by a dish that I ate at P.F. Changs, spinach sauteed in fresh garlic, then added green beans, brown rice, and mushrooms. It was good and now I think I’m done for the evening. I know for sure I will definitely go to the gym tomorrow because it slowed down my eating a bit.

I should mention I was tempted to enjoy KFC with my better half today but I was able to stand my ground. We ate across from one another during lunch and I was pleased with myself for not asking for some. I am always asking to taste his food.

I was able to meditate on a few scriptures this afternoon thanks to some fellow bloggers like nightshade and wil. It really helped to know that God is capable of the impossible and I am capable to get through this fast because of that.
Tonight I will continue reading Revelation 7-9 and Luke 2 for the fast.

Sorry so short. Be blessed!
