Technology Dependent Is…Me?

10 Apr

Good day all! I hope everyone will have/had a happy and healthy weekend!

 I have an issue that I need to blog about and it has something to do with ME, and how my Earth was shattered in less than one minute. I would have never, ever, never, ever guessed that I was technology dependent! I know that I cannot live without my cell phone, but that is when it is in full swing! Functioning! Working properly! Some of my readers may know me personally and know that I have my phone with me at all times. In my hand, in my purse, at the dinner table (I know rude), in my back pocket, just with me at all times. Like who doesn’t live without their cell phone? I know some people still do not have one but my advice to you is do not get one! Just kidding. NO I am not kidding.

 Okay let me build the scenario:

 Driving home from work. Blackberry is a little dead. It’s about 3:30pm. It’s 90 degrees out. I just want to get home, shower, and leave to make it to my hair and mani & pedi appointment. Everything is great! Phone is charging, Usher is bumping, hair’s blowing in the wind, and then it happens!! I pull up in the drive way and I grab my purse and I go to pull out my car charger only to notice a blank white screen that says to me in these nice black letters, “Technical issue. Please return to place of purchase for repair.“ Come again? Okay now I have been using Blackberry for five whole years!! FIVE! I know when a nice little white screen pops up that means, “Houston we have a problem!!”

 So, what do I do? I automatically pop the battery out and put it back in, this is the golden Blackberry trick!  I was in denial, I have to make it to the appointment so let’s just get ready and when we’re ready to go the phone will be up and running! Sorry, not today Nadie! UGGGGGH!!! So, I call the phone company and they agreed to over night one to me because apparently this has been a known issue with my particular device! Of course it is!!! Thanks to the new software upgrade!! Thanks! Luckily I remembered I had a Storm so I asked the nice young lady who was helping me to activate it and off I go to get my nails done!

 On the way to the shop, I was running late and did not have time for my hair appointment but in the process of calling the shop to find out the time for the last wash, my screen just went black. Hmm… different phone, same car charger, different Blackberry, same issue, different colored screen, and same the upset me! Why is this happening to me! You can’t imagine my upset I had one more Blackberry left and it was my last hope! So as I am sitting under the shops dryer (yes I was able to make it) and I activate my phone. It wasn’t the same! I couldn’t even do a system restore! I had no contacts, no BBM (Blackberry Messenger for those non-Blackberry users), no nothing, and my screen looked awful! I knew three phone numbers, which is out of control! The next day could not come fast enough! I needed my Tour as soon as possible! I was so upset, I had an attitude and I was hungry, which meant if I did not get food someone was going to get yelled at for no reason at all very soon! All I had was my netbook and I did not even want to use that! That did not connect me to my BBM world. It connected me to my email, Twitter, and Facebook but it was not the same! Sigh!

 Then, FINALLY I get the call of my life! “Your phone was just delivered”, I go to pick it up and I couldn’t activate it! There was some unknown problem and I couldn’t activate it for two days!! You can just imagine the sadness! I had to figure out a way to get my BBM. Then just like the light switch a bright idea came over me! I had more than one phone number!!! I had the Curve on the main number with no contacts, no BBM contacts, and the awful screen, and the Storm on the old Droid number with no contacts but with BBM and email!! Okay now I can sleep!

 As I write to you today, I am back in the Matrix! My feet hurting in my shoes, Black Eyed Peas blasting from my “new” Tour, and my wash & set is looking FRESH! Thanks blog fam for listening. “Wooooo-saaaaah!”

 Thanks for reading this week once again!! Always feel free to email me at Also, follow me on Twitter: NadieLaLa. Find my fan page on Facebook: Nadiesbrain. Lil Lady, Giant Brain.


Nadie La La

4 Responses to “Technology Dependent Is…Me?”

  1. Talisha April 10, 2010 at 2:52 pm #

    All I can say is lmaoooo. And yes I know that feeling first hand but mine was a all black everything screen with a little red light lol..But what blows my mind is how we survived with no phone meaning if we got stuck on the road due to a pot hole or something of that nature and needed aaa then what. Dag I’m really trying to think what did my parents do. I guess they would just get on the good foot that’s horrible. But def u feel lost n the world. And I don’t remember numbers like I use to a problem.. Def a I am confessing that I am technology dependent. Lol

  2. supawumyn April 12, 2010 at 2:40 pm #


    Yes technology has us addicted to all electronic devices. If you think about it no pay phones even exist anymore. I wouldn’t use one if they did. YUCK!!!! I was exaperated for you just reading your thoughts!! LMBO IS ALL I CAN SAY!!!

    LUV YA!!

  3. Mr. Jackson April 16, 2010 at 12:27 am #

    Technology slaves it is, we are addicted to the fix of technology! When does this end, I am assuming it will end when someone’s head explodes because of radiation. lol I will and can not live without my blackberry why is bbm the best invention ever. We use a lot of outlets to express ourselves but bbm is not just another fad. It’s the truth! Nadie you are better than me!

    • princessnadielala April 19, 2010 at 4:24 am #

      Mr. Jackson,

      Tell me about it!! I am glad you understand what I am saying about this bbm crap!! I cannot believe Blackberry actually invented something total genius! The day my head explodes please keep the reason of death on the D.L. I totally agree with you though when you say that BBM is not another fad!! I was going crazy without bbm. If it weren’t for a backup system I would have been pissed. I don’t think I would have activated a Blackberry ever again!!

      Nadie La La
