Tag Archives: award

Genuine Blogger Award

23 Jan

I know I have at least three new awards that I have neglected over the last week but I have not! I am still very excited and extremely blessed to receive these awards. Again, I would like to thank my girl Sherline for nominating me for the Genuine Blogger Award. This young lady is an amazing woman who is filled with lots of wisdom and she was definitely a great help during the Daniel Fast! Thank you so much for the nom. There are no rules for this award. I will not go crazy nominating people because I have two more awards left LOL. Thank you again and thank you everyone for always tuning in and commenting and thank you for all of your encouragement during the fast! Xoxo!






Here are my nominations and of course I would nominate Sherline again if I could! Thanks!!

The 7×7 Link Award!

24 Dec

Sherline from http://nightshade130.wordpress.com/ nominated me for the 7 x 7 Link Award! I am so blessed I have received more than enough this week from WordPress and I am honored that you have chosen me Sherline! Again, I love what you are doing on here and thank you again!

As with most Blog Awards on WordPress there are stipulations that must be met upon acceptance of the award.  With the 7×7 Link Award the first thing you have to do is tell something about yourself that nobody knows.

I can watch all the shows on NatGeo, History, etc., about stars, galaxies, the heavens, and blackholes. I love space.

Next: 7×7 links to my pieces I feel are worthy to link up:

Most Beautiful Piece: Fortunately Unfortunate

Most Helpful: It’s a New, New Year!

Most Popular: When Given A Second Chance Does History Repeat Itself?

Most Controversial: “I’m Not Married, I Just Have A Tan On My Ring Finger!”

Most Surprisingly Successful: My Priorities Are Not Your Priorities

Most Underrated: Change Can Really Be a Lesson Learned

Most Pride Worthy: Strong Woman…

Next step to the 7×7 Award fulfillment is to nominate 7 six bloggers who I feel deserve the honor and hopefully haven’t already receive it

  1. Worshipandswag http://worshipandswag.wordpress.com/
  2. Willowdot21 http://willowdot21.wordpress.com/
  3. My Journey With God http://tinkerbelleandme.com/
  4. Santuary of a Housewife http://maiward.wordpress.com/
  5. Busybellas http://busybellas.wordpress.com/
  6. Iamforchange http://iamforchange.wordpress.com/

Congrats to all the new winners and thank you again for the award I love this! Be safe and be blessed this holiday season.


The Versatile Blogger Award

22 Dec

AHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHAHHH! That is me screaming from the top of my imaginary building excited that I have been nominated by Worrywart for The Versatile Blogger Award. I want to thank her so much for reading and for the nomination because it has truly made blogging worth it.

After two years of blogging I have never enjoyed it as much as I am now! I love reading everyone’s blogs as well as you reading and commenting on mine. It keeps me humble to know that everyone shares some of the same thoughts as I do. Your blogs have inspired me to keep going, especially those who write each and every day. You challenge me to do the same. Thank you again!

Here are the rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:

1. In a post on your, blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.

2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.

3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.

4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.

5. In the same post, include this set of rules.

6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

7 completely random things about me….

1. I am blessed to serve an amazing God.

2. I have a very contagious laugh.

3. I am always hungry that explains me eating 5 times a day not including snacks. Don’t judge me.

4. I feel I have met my match and we both complement one another in the best ways.

5. I have this infatuation with Mexican food right now.

6. I love pickles and olives.

7. I have excellent penmanship.

*Ahem drum roll please*

Here are my nominations for The Versatile Blogger Award

My Journey With God

Mutterings From A Dark Corner

Love Out Loud

Unwritten Truth

Sherline’s Whatchu Thinkin Blog





Earth in Black and White




Repairing The Breach


Congrats to all of the new award winners! I pray that you have not already won this award. My brain hurts from searching pages and trying to find who hasn’t. Be blessed!